A statue of a dog in Canary Wharf's Jubilee Park. The statue is painted dark blue and decorated with gold hearts.

Statue trail celebrating guide dogs arrives on Canary Wharf

An accessible statue trail celebrating guide dogs, and an accompanying multi-sensory tour, was launched on Canary Wharf by a charity for people with sight loss.

The Paws on the Wharf statue trail, created by the charity Guide Dogs, features 25 statues of guide dogs, each decorated by a different artist.

During the multi-sensory tour, visitors can touch and smell items selected by each artist, from pebbles to dog biscuits.

Guide Dogs corporate partnerships graduate Carin Calder-La Croix said: “We’ve actually found that the response has been really great.”

She said the tour has helped people understand sight loss and the work which Guide Dogs does.

To ensure that the tour is accessible, it uses Navilens, an application which can be used to scan markers on the statues’ plinths.

Once scanned, the app provides audio information about the sculpture, and directions to the next location on the trail.

The trail’s sculptures will also be auctioned on June 5, with all proceeds going to Guide Dogs’ charity work for people with sight loss.

Paws on the Wharf can be seen at Canary Wharf until May 17.

Image credit: Wang Sum Luk

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