A polling station sign which is hung on a white wall.

Hackney Greens gain in by-election victory

The Hackney Green Party won its first council by-election in London for 16 years last Thursday. 

The Green Party candidate Liam Davis won the Stoke Newington ward with 1253 votes (53%) to Labour’s 945 (40%), with no other candidate getting more than 100 votes. 

This comes following an announcement by Hackney Greens that they would form a pact with the Independent Socialist Group on the council – made up of Labour defectors – and not run candidates against one another in the two by-elections taking place. 

Davis acknowledged this upon his win and said: “I also want to thank the local independent councillors who have given us their support in this campaign. 

“This result signals our community is ready for real hope and real change.” 

The last time the Greens won a by-election from opposition in London was in 2008, with this win perhaps signalling a new era of opportunity for the Greens in London now Labour are in national government. 

Asked how he’d been received on the door, he said: “I’ve been taken aback by the strength of feeling against Labour.”

Hackney’s other by-election last Thursday saw Labour retain London Fields ward with 746 (54.1%) votes, while the independent candidate Sarah Byrne, endorsed by the Greens and Hackney Independent Socialist Group, was in second place with 437 (31.7%) votes.  

This win puts the Greens in a strong position before the full council election in 2026. 

Hackney Green Party Coordinator, Stefan Liberadzki, said: “Liam’s win is a huge step forward for us, and it shows people want Green solutions and representation. 

“We now look forward to the 2026 council elections with the wind in our sails, where we will aim to replace the Conservatives as the largest opposition group on Hackney Council.”

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