Brian the dog, wearing a cone

Stoke Newington shop owner raising thousands to fund vet bills

What would you do if your dog could no longer chase a ball because of a severe illness? And what if the necessary treatments cost about £8,000?

You’d probably do what Esther Garcia Arocha, owner of the Sacred Art Tattoos shop in Stoke Newington did.

She started a GoFundMe campaign to help her dog Brian, who suffers from a severe form of osteosarcoma that, if not treated, will make the dog’s life impossible.

The aim was to raise £5,000, £4,000 of which has already been raised.

Brianita, or Brian to her friends, is a nine years old lurcher that has had five major surgical procedures since she was fostered and adopted in 2019. 

Following an operation in May, where three cancerous tumours were removed, it seemed that the worst had passed and she could finally live a regular life.

But then, on the 19th of July, while she was chasing a ball, her femur suddenly snapped without any significant impact.

The results were four days of extensive surgery that included the installation of a plate and many screws.

According to the vets, the break was caused by osteosarcoma, a severe and exceedingly aggressive kind of bone cancer.

Although the condition is still in its early stages, it was able to weaken her femur to the point of fracture while she was playing.

The small lurcher’s current state of health necessitates treatment that is quite costly.

For more information on the campaign, click here.

Featured image courtesy of Esther Arocha

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